Starting Loop: Build

The goal of this Starting Loop series is to help you decide if you want to build and operate Loop, and it’s companion apps, LoopFollow and LoopCaregiver.

The build information is found in great detail at the LoopDocs website:

Before you start your build, please complete the items on the Checklist.  Make sure to pay particular attention to the Helpful Hints and Future Tasks. To be successful – you must not skip them.


    • iOS:  We recommend iOS 17. Your iPhone iOS must be at iOS 15.1 or higher for Loop, iOS 15.6 for LoopFollow and iOS 16 for LoopCaregiver.
    • Compatible pump and CGM
    • Radio-link device (required for all pumps except for DASH).  If you need one, check that your radio-link is charged or has batteries (RileyLink, OrangeLink, or EmaLink).
    • Apple Developer program subscription is valid and visit the site to make sure no new terms or conditions are pending acceptance
    • Nightscout or Tidepool:  a plan to deal with data for yourself, your doctor, or perhaps a caregiver
    • If your Looper is a child:
      • Consider how you are going to handle interactions with the school nurse and when/if/what you need to add to the 504 plan
      • Make sure you are in a position to keep the school from taking away the Phone (and radio-link, if needed) from your child

      Building Loop

      There are now two different build methods – Mac Build and Browser Build.  Your next steps depend upon which method you’re using.
      If you have a Mac that can be updated to be compatible with your phone’s iOS, then you can use either build method.  If not, then the Browser Build method is for you since you just need a browser on any computer or tablet.  We recommend the Browser Build for most new Loopers because it is easy to reinstall when your Looping phone is lost, broken, drowned, or otherwise replaced with a new device.

      Browser Build

      • You’ll need a GitHub account.  GitHub is where the developers store code.  You’ll be guided through the process of copying that code into your own GitHub account. 
      • Instructions for Browser Build are in LoopDocs.  There is also a great video that you can follow.  If you can, use a separate screen and pause the video occasionally to make sure that you don’t fall behind.  There are a few updates that occurred after the video was released; these comments are in the video notes, but putting them here too so that you don’t miss these important points:
        • Loop 3.4 was released, so keep that in mind while following the video.
        • NFC Tag Reading” is now required for the “com.TEAMID.loopkit.Loop” identifier, so be sure to keep that checked.
        • For the API Key, instead of clicking “Keys”, now click “Integrations” instead, or use this link.
      • We recommend that you build using a free GitHub organization (rather than a personal GitHub account) because it makes it easier to build additional apps like LoopFollow and LoopCaregiver, so read the GitHub organization section in LoopDocs and then follow along with the video.

      Mac Build

      • Check that your Mac OS and Xcode are compatible with your phone’s iOS.   If you’re using iOS 16 or higher, you will need to enable Developer Mode on your phone.
      • If you’re building using the Mac Build method, then you’ll use the Build Select Script which will walk you through the build proces.  If your computer is updated to the latest Xcode, your build should take 10-20 minutes.

      Once you have built and have Loop on your phone

      • Go to LoopDocs Setup for instructions on how to configure your app
      • After finishing the Set up steps, continue to the LoopDocs Operate section and review the instructions on using your app
      • Leave Loop “Open” until you have adjusted your settings with Loop making predictions and suggestions, but not automatically enacting any insulin dosing recommendations

            Helpful Hints

            • Your previous settings are probably wrong for Loop
              • Your settings were fine for manual pumping and manually correcting every few hours
              • Loop uses a model for carbs and insulin that updates once every 5 minutes based on your CGM readings
              • Start with Loop “Open” and check your settings until you have them close to your desired results
              • It is not uncommon for your Loop ISF (Insulin Sensitivity Factor) to be higher than the CF (Correction Factor) that you used previously
            • Commit to checking into either FaceBook or Zulipchat at least weekly to look for safety-related warnings. You should also sign up for the Loop and Learn Newsletter, and read it when it shows up in your inbox.
            • Don’t be afraid to switch between Closed Loop and Open Loop often as you get your settings sorted out.
            • Overnights are often the first part of the day that people choose to run Closed Loop because, with proper settings, Loop will decrease or prevent low blood sugars and have you waking up in your target range. But, jump in the pool slowly.
            • You can use Loop as simply a Pump Controller (MMT) or PDM (Omnipod) to manually enter bolus amounts. When you run Loop “Open”, you can press on the Bolus Triangle (center of Loop toolbar) and it will make bolus recommendations that you can decide to accept or modify.  As you grow comfortable with those recommendations, you can start to run a “Closed” Loop and let Loop do the adjustments to your insulin dosing. Don’t think it is a race to be full-time Looping. You can Open and Close the Loop, watch, adjust, and learn.

            Future Tasks

            • Data for Doctor:  Make a plan for how you will share your data with your doctors! The night before the appointment is too late.
            • Updates!  Make sure your Apple Developer renewal date is on your calendar.
            • Rebuilding:  We recommend that Xcode Builders rebuild 3-4 times per year to keep up with bug fixes and feature enhancements.  Beginning with Loop 3.4, the Browser rebuild process is automated and will occur on the first day of each month.  However, rebuilding may be required due to future code changes.


            Please let us know with a post in Loop and Learn that you followed this Checklist and made it into Looping.  OR, if you don’t want to post in public, use the feedback form on this page to let us know.

            We are all volunteers. We’d like to know if our hard work and passion for putting together this information has helped people, or not.

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