Loop Data

Pump Data

People usually don’t start to think about data until after they have set up Loop and either run into a settings problem that they need help with, or they are getting ready for a doctor’s appointment and realize they can’t hand over their Medtronic pump (too much data for MMT memory) or PDM (no longer in use) for the office to download.

You should think through your data strategy before switching to Loop. It is helpful to have a couple of weeks pre-Loop data, so if you are having strange blood glucose actions after changing to Loop, you have a record of your data in the same format for comparison.

Do You Absolutely Need a Data Repository?

No, some people do fine without it. If you are someone who already adjusts their settings regularly and the tools you use for that will still be available while Looping, and you already have the reports you need for your doctor or your doctor doesn’t want reports, then you could forgo data storage/reporting.

Loop is going to store some data in Apple Health, which offers some limited reporting, e.g., you can get your basal and bolus or totals by the hour, day, week, or month out of the Apple Health app.

Why Would I Want to Save My Data?

Think through what you might need data for. You would, for example, want data if there is any chance that you might be asking the Looping community for help with settings, or help understanding why Loop did something, such as:

  • Why do I have negative IOB?
  • Why isn’t Loop recommending a bolus when I enter this meal?

You will absolutely get the best and fastest help if you can post a screenshot of a Nightscout site with all the data rendering turned on. You can still get some help by posting screen shots from Loop (if you capture them soon enough before they scroll off). But without Nightscout views, it tends to take a lot more back and forth. And some of the people who are the best at that type of help will ignore the posts without Nightscout screenshots, because it just takes too much time to extract the required information to help you improve your settings.

Some Options for Saving/Viewing Your Data


Some doctors’ offices use Tidepool for reporting. If your doctor’s office uses Tidepool, you should continue feeding data to it. There is no cost to use Tidepool. To use this option, you need a Tidepool account and you need to have the uploader app on your Looping phone.  Many people like the in-app notetaking feature


Nightscout is the preferred option in the DIY Looping communities for capturing data.

  • Some experienced adult Loopers decide that they don’t need Nightscout because they know how to analyze their settings using the information in Loop (about 24 hours of information) or use Tidepool.
  • New adult Loopers should invest in Nightscout because it is the single best tool to analyze and refine their Loop settings. This is especially important if you need community assistance to understand why Loop is reacting in a particular way and leaving your glucose either higher or lower than expected.  When you’re ready, you can stop using Nightscout if you’d like, but initially, you will find it beneficial.
  • Almost all caregivers (those who help to manage Loop for others, such as a children/teens) have Nightscout. Caregivers use Nightscout to:
    • Monitor their loved ones’ insulin delivery and glucose levels on a real-time basis.  Once you get used to monitoring both insulin and glucose side-by-side, you’ll be astonished that you were ever satisfied with glucose data alone.
    • Use Loop 3’s remote commands – remote overrides, remote carbs and remote bolus.  LoopCaregiver is a special app that some caregivers use to administer these remote commands, but this app relies on Nightscout to work.  YOU CANNOT USE LOOP 3’s REMOTE COMMANDS WITHOUT NIGHTSCOUT.

What Else Do I Need to Know About Nightscout?

    • Nightscout can be used in addition to Tidepool and Apple Health.
    • Setting up and maintaining Nightscout will probably be a commitment of about 8 hours per year.
    • If your Nightscout site is down, Loop will still work.
    • Nightscout is generally not a critical part of day-to-day Looping unless you are using it for remote monitoring and remote commands when your child is away from you.
    • The best information on setting up a new Nightscout site is here.

What Else Can Nightscout Do?

    • Guide setting adjustments when diabetes decides it’s time for a change  
    • Generate reports to prepare for a doctor’s visit
    • Remote monitoring
    • Remote Overrides, Remote Carbs and Remote Bolus
      • Note: If these features are important to you, please contact the service provider to confirm that it meets your needs before switching.  We summarize some of your options here.

    More Uses for Data

    There may be some uses for having a data repository that are not obvious until you are Looping. Take your time to think about what your needs are for the data,  if you want to add a Nightscout account, or one of the other options. It’s a good idea to build your Nightscout site before you start Looping and begin feeding your CGM data to it in advance. You may soon find it to be your favorite way to view blood glucose data, independent of its usefulness once you start Looping.