Day 17 (published 20 December 2020)


References to

  • Building Loop:
  • Build errors:
  • Code Customization:
  • Building in the Standard or Workspace Loop Configuration:


In today’s tips, we are going to touch on the four sections above. We are not going to go particularly deep in any of these sections since they are all well documented in


Building Loop

Most first time builders follow the steps in Loopdocs and a pretty high percentage of them are successful. The documentation is quite good and generally, if it is precisely followed, will result in a successful build.


Build errors

Generally, first time builders have few errors unless a step is missed or taken out of order. Other times build errors will occur due to previously undocumented changes in Xcode, new Mac releases (like the new M1 processors) or new Mac Os releases. Usually these changes are discovered quickly and are documented in posts in the looped Facebook group – .

  • Yellow errors – Do no need to be addressed. These are warnings only.
  • Red errors – Stop the build and must be addressed.
  • Subsequent builders can have more build errors than first time builders. This can occur for several reasons but generally if you follow the update loop instructions you will have fewer build errors – .


Code customization

Some loopers will customize code when they rebuild. Most 5 most common code customizations are explained in

  • Disable authentication for bolusing
  • Change default carb absorption times
  • Change the peak time of insulin curves
  • Install a unique loop icon
  • Change the crown rotation required for an apple watch bolus


Building in the Standard or Workspace Loop Configuration

Most first time builders build in the standard loop build configuration. All FreeAPS users build using the LoopWorkspace configuration.

Advantages of building in the standard loop configurations:
  • The documentation is focused toward the standard configuration.
  • Help resources in the looped group can address standard builds easier than workspace builds.


Advantages of building in the LoopWorkspace configurations:
  • It’s the only way to build FreeAPS
  • LoopWorkspace builds generally build faster
  • It is easier to copy code customization to a fresh code download
Disadvantages of Workspace:
  • There is less support for a workspace build in the Looped Facebook group
  • The download files are much larger and take more space on the Mac
  • Terminal needs to be used more in building in LoopWorkspace


You might want to bookmark this page, for easy future reference.  Happy Building!