Looping and Diabetes Resources
Open Source Automated Insulin Delivery Systems
Loop – Based upon the Loop algorithm, running on iPhones
- LoopDocs – Official documentation for getting started on Looping
- LoopTips – Official documentation for using / tuning Loop
- Loop Zulipchat
Loop and Learn – Educational page with additional help to start on and use Loop, customize your Loop app. In addition to this website, Loop and Learn has
- Facebook – Facebook group for learning about and discussing Loop and Diabetes, provides build help, and live interactive sessions.
- Instagram – Announcements, updates, tips, and tricks.
- YouTube– Recorded Webinars sponsored by the Loop and Learn group. Also helpful tip videos for diabetes.
Trio – Based upon the oref algorithm, affiliated with the Nightscout Foundation, running on iPhones
AndroidAPS – Based upon the oref algorithm, running on Google Android smartphones
OpenAPS.org – Based upon the oref algorithm, running on a Raspberry Pi rig … also DIYPS.org
The Looped Group -Facebook group for building and updating Loop.
Little Loopers – Facebook group for parents of young children who are using the DIY iOS app Loop or interested in learning more about Loop.
Regional Groups
Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, Loop, Loop, Loop
Minnesota TypeOne Loopers – This group is formed to discuss hybrid closed loop “artificial pancreas” solutions, gather new loopers, and mentor future loopers living in the Minnesota area in an effort to reduce the burden of Type 1 diabetes.
ItsTheSugar – One family’s journey with type 1 diabetes
TheSavvyDiabetic.com – Updates of diabetes technology & research, Looping and life with Type 1 Diabetes
Diabettech.com – Blog site written by Tim Street with reviews of all diabetes tech
MyArtificialPancreas.net – Blog written by Mary Anne Patton (Australia), about looping, life with diabetes and diabetes innovation
BionicWookiee.com– Blog by David Burren (Australia) on living with medical technology
SeeMyCGM – All about living with Type 1 diabetes by Katie DiSimone
Other Social Media
Tidepool.org – Non-profit developing Tidepool Loop
Nightscout Foundation – Non-profit supporting the Open Source tech for T1Ds
Sources to Purchase
Anubis– G6 transmitter alternative. Donate your expired G6 or G7 transmitters.
Swappa.com – For purchasing used phones and ipads at good prices
FuseChicken.com – Cables, marketed by a fellow Looper. (sign up for the mailing list, get a discount on your first purchase). Remember, only purchase organic chickens.
MonoPrice.com – Specializes in cables for hi-tech
Radio-Links (Only needed for Medtronic and Eros)
Radio-link Comparison Chart – Detailed comparison of the RadioLinks currently available.
EmaLink – to purchase or get more information on Ema.
GetRileyLink.org – To purchase RileyLink, OrangeLink, and carry cases
How do I update the firmware on my OrangeLink?
What is the iPhone Bluetooth app that I need to load new firmware or check my OrangeLink’s battery? For android, click here