NEWS From Loop and Learn (17 December 2022)
- Meditation with Diabetes Sangha
- LnL with Jon Fawcett: Loop vs. O5
- Is it Time to Update Your Devices?
- Dexcom G7
- LnL Pro Tip: Insulin Overdose
- Heroku's Free Tier Shut Down on 28 November
FREE Meditation Practice with Diabetes Sangha
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Monday, 19 December 2022 4 pm PT / 7 pm ET
Gary Scheiner and Jennifer C. Smith of Integrated Diabetes Services are bringing us a FREE meditation practice with Diabetes Sangha, a community dedicated to enhancing the well-being of those living with type one diabetes.Sam Tullman, Diabetes Sangha co-founder and facilitator will lead a talk about the importance of meditation as a central tool in 'Being With' diabetes. During this special event, Sam will facilitate the meditation as well. RSVP: https://forms.gle/n7ZQKrGSjVSVEAHv5 To Attend after RSVP: https://zoom.us/j/97073084805?pwd=TStaTlNBMnBvNVEzRXZVdWxPdE5oQT09 Password: smile Meeting ID: 970 7308 4805
LnL Speakers Series: Jon Fawcett on Loop vs. O5, 1/8/23
Save the Date! Sunday, 8 January 2023 5 pm PT/ 8 pm ET
Join us for an informative discussion with experienced Loopers Jon Fawcett, Matthew Kitchin, Britni Schipper and Tina Hammer about their experiences with Omnipod 5 and how they feel it compares to Loop.
Is it Time to Update Your Devices?
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We are all patiently awaiting the day when Loop-Dev is released as Loop-Master 3.0. We have no knowledge about when it will be released.
Our best advice is that Loopers be prepared with
- an iPhone with at least iOS 15, although iOS 16 is better, AND
- a Mac that can be updated to a minimum of macOS Monterey 12.5 and Xcode 14.1
What should you do? Check your devices to see if they can be updated to these versions. If your devices won’t update - Look for a good deal on fancy new ones,
- Look for used ones on FB marketplace, craigslist, etc.
- Check with friends and relatives who are getting new devices for the holidays - they may be willing to hand off their old models to you. (iPhone 8 and up will support iOS 16.)
Some members have had success using “hack” videos that describe how you can update your Mac beyond that which Apple intended. Our team has no personal experience with this, so our best advice is to search for options within the Loop FB groups or your favorite browser. The developers try to support the current iOS and one prior version. They do not deliberately drop support for older iOS - Apple does that.
Dexcom G7 CGM Approved in US and EU!
On December 8, the US FDA approved Dexcom G7. Previously, Dexcom G7 secured CE Mark (Conformité Européenne) and approval for people with diabetes in Europe. The G7 is currently available in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Germany, Austria and Hong Kong and is expected to be available in the US in early 2023.
Loop-Dev is compatible with the G7. Warning: Loop-Dev is not a released version of Loop. You can read more about G7 integration by clicking the LoopDocs link below.
What makes the G7 so exciting?
- 60% smaller than the G6, with all-in-one transmitter and sensor
- 30-minute sensor warmup, rather than the G6's 2 hour warmup
- 12-hour grace period after 10 day use
- Updated mobile app with Dexcom Clarity integration
- Improved alert settings for enhanced discretion
- Small, lightweight, and easy-to-use optional receiver
If the G7 sounds interesting, but isn't approved in your country, and you'd like some of these features, check out the Anubis. The Anubis is a G6 transmitter that has a user-replaceable battery, warms up in 50 min, and can empower sensors to last up to 60 days.
LnL Pro Tip: Accidental Overdose of Insulin
| | Recently, an adult T1D Looper had a carb entry error that resulted in a large excess dosage of insulin. This is how they got through the experience without needing to administer glucagon or visit the ER.
- Don’t panic.
- Be sure your family members know how to use your Baqsimi or other glucagon kit, but do not administer it.
- Delete the carb entry or edit it for the entry you intended to consume.
- Enter a range override that will cause Loop to stop basal insulin delivery (for example, 110-180) and set the override for an extended period, such as 6 hours, with the goal of avoiding an insulin tail-induced low.
- Do not enter any percentage override with the override in #4 above, so that your projection curve for meal consumption will be as useful as possible.
- Look at the projected low point and time on the projection curve in Loop to determine the amount and type of carbs to consume. The sooner and lower it is, the faster the carbs and larger amount you’re going to need.
- Consider that future basal insulin (after the current temp override expires) can be reduced, to also reduce the required food consumption.
- Enjoy your meal(s), understanding that you are consuming an estimate and may need to eat more or less based on Loop’s downstream estimates.
- Stay awake and keep watching your projection. Once you have stabilized, remove the override.
- Don’t expect a perfect blood glucose day. And remember, it’s just one day.
If you are alone, you should probably have a friend check on or stay with you and be sure to continue to review your Nightscout or CGM until you are in the clear.
You can customize your Loop app to reduce the maximum carb entry from it's default of 250g to a number that makes more sense for you. Click the LoopDocs link below.
Heroku's Free Tier Shut Down on 28 November
| It seems that most of the Loop and Learn community has chosen one of the following three solutions to host your Nightscout: Railway, Google Cloud or Heroku Eco. There have been a number of issues to sort out and our group experts have been hard at work doing just that and helping Loopers' Nightscout apps stay or get back up and running.
Importantly, if you're considering a paid NS option, as detailed in the Nightscout Migration Guide, linked below, please check to make sure that it includes all of the features that are important to you. If you enjoy the remote override features of Loop-master, or the added remote bolus and remote carb features of Loop-dev, be sure that your service provider can accommodate these features.
To review, your DIY options are (in no particular order): - Google Cloud (free or very cheap)
- Oracle Cloud (free)
- Northflank (free or very cheap)
- Azure (free),
- Railway app (free or very cheap),
- Heroku Eco account ($5 per month),
- Migrate to another hosting service such as Digital Ocean (around $5 per month)
Pricing information is based on the best available intel, but actual pricing may vary.