PC User

I want to Loop, but I use a PC You have 2 Options Your best option is to use the Build with Browser method.  There is a second option that involves building a Virtual Mac.  The only reason that a Looper (or potential Looper) should build a Virtual Mac rather than...

Lyumjev Model (quick and dirty version)

Adding Lyumjev to Loop – the Quick and Dirty Version Lyumjev was added as an option to FreeAPS, as of v2.2 (201). (This choice will not carry over if you subsequently build Loop – you will need to select a model supported by Loop.) In the current Master...

Loop Expiration

 How do you know when your Loop will expire? If you use the Browser Build method, you must rebuild at least every 90 days and then install the new build from TestFlight on your phone. Up through Loop Version 3.2.x, you must look at the TestFlight app to see when your...

Carthage 0.36.0

Carthage is no longer needed to build any version of Loop or FreeAPS. This page is left here for any one who may be using older code that does require carthage. Best practice: Use updated code with a fresh download. If you are using updated code and see what you think...

Workspace build for Loop

Entered Developer ID in Terminal to Automatically Sign Targets If you have followed the instructions in terminal and automatically signed the targets, then your screen will look like this.  Make sure your phone is connected and unlocked.   In the top title bar,...